Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year's Resolution...For You!

Join us for our Friday Night Dinner and Study each week. We have a potluck at 6:30 followed by a time of worship and a lesson on the book of John. We normally kick worship off around 7:45. We are just starting John and look forward to seeing God revealed through this Gospel.

Childcare is provided form 6:30-9:30 and please bring your kids fed as dinner is for adults only. This provides many parents a night to enjoy "adult conversation" without kiddos in tow! We would love to see you this week!


Unknown said...

Hey Kleager.
Whats up with the ski trip listed on the calendar?

Suzanne W Ms OCLL McCandless said...

What awesome and blessed work you're doing for the Lord! Your incredible upbeat attitude and obvious love for Him flows through your site. Please know you're prayed for.

The Graf House said...

Thanks for your encouragement! And especially for your prayers. They are so precious to us.