Tuesday, June 9, 2009


In a world of too many acronyms, one more can’t hurt: TWATGH—This Week At The Graf House. (FYI—The “G” is silent so it is pronounced “Twath” with a short “a”.)

Friday Night Dinner and Study: Potluck theme is All-American. We will also have a guest speaker: Dan Hash. Dan is a missionary with Josiah Venture serving in Poland. We are excited to have him share with us. Click here to read a little more about Dan and his family.

Saturday: Picnic at the Eschenbach lake from 4-7pm. Come join us for a chance to hang out, play sand volleyball, swim if you’re brave, rent paddle-boats, play corn-holes, and any other yard game you bring! They have plenty of grass if you have horseshoes or another fun yard game. They also have a small playground for kids. Bring your own picnic for dinner. There might be a minimal entry fee (1-2 Euros).

20 June: Bogner Raufentage Medieval Fest:
In the Straubing area (just south of Regensburg) is the suburb of Bogen, which every year holds a Medieval Spectacular (in German, the Bogener Raufentage) on the nearby mountain, the Bogensberg. It’s held the weekend of June 19-21, and it’s all FREE!
It features a Medieval Market; a large display area showing how soldiers, nobles and peasants lived in the Middle Ages; lots of people in period costumes, demonstrating many different medieval handicrafts; falconry demonstrations; a variety of activities just for kids; sword-fighting and battle reenactments; and a medieval pilgrimage.
For further info (again, just in German), visit their website.
(Thanks to Margaret Bartlebaugh for getting us the information on this!)

27 June: Help Laurel Move In!Many of you know that Laurel Hoyt is moving from Heidelberg to minister specifically to single women in the Grafenwoehr-Vilseck area. God has blessed her with a wonderful apartment. However, the furniture cannot move itself into it. She has wonderful friends helping her move out of her apartment in Heidelberg. We would love for her to see that she has wonderful friends here that are willing to help her move in. Would you consider joining us in serving her? We will have more details in the near future. Read a little more about Luarel by clicking here.

3-6 July: Camping in Bertchesgaden
Info sent out earlier this week.

18 July: Bike Riding with the Howertons!

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