Monday, September 15, 2008

God's Blessings

As Aimee and I reflect back on the past month, we cannot help but give thanks to God for His incredible blessings. Our last days in Denver were a whirlwind but we really got to experience the love of all our family and friends as they saw us off. And now that we are getting settled here in Graf, we again are experiencing the love of God through His people. We have been blessed to have multiple friends from our Army-days living here who have let us live in their house, eat their food, borrow anything, and help us out in anyway possible. Plus we have met so many people through the Chapel that have blessed us in similar ways. A few examples:
• One family loaned us their van until we found one to buy.
• When our air-mattress sprung a leak, the next day a friend brought cots for the boys to sleep on.
• We were given lamps after we forgot that Germans take all their lights when they move out of a house!
• Several families have brought toys for the boys to play with.
• And maybe most importantly, we were given a coffee pot!!!

In all this the most amazing blessing has been God’s people. I was reminded of this as I read 2 Corinthians 9 this morning:

“You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God or the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. And in their prayers of you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (verses 11-15)

We cannot tell you how many times over the past few weeks that we have given thanks to God for the generosity of his people. God has used them in so many ways and they have been faithful to serve Him and us through their actions. Just yesterday a chaplain’s wife said that she wanted to put together an old-fashioned “pounding” for us. I had never heard of this but it is basically when a bunch of people buy stuff to fill a new neighbor’s pantry and shelves and help stock the new house. This will be amazing in itself and she asked if we had a deepfreeze to store it all in. We said that we didn’t and she replied, “We will trust God to provide” and in the meantime can just get stuff for your cupboards. That night we had some people come by to bring us a big rug and they asked what was on our list of needs. We told them about needing a washer and dryer and the challenge of getting a larger sized American set. After hearing this they replied, “Well how about a freezer, you will probably need one of those too. We would like to give you a freezer.” Aimee immediately got tears in her eyes and we told them of the conversation we had that morning with the chaplain’s wife. It truly is amazing to see how God uses the generosity of his people. And similar to Paul’s expression to the Corinthians, we praise God for the generosity of so many people in sharing with us. And in our prayers for them our hearts continue to go out to them because of the surpassing grace God has given us.

And God’s grace has not only been extended to us in the generosity of their giving stuff, but also in the giving of their love. We have felt so welcomed, wanted, and loved. People have taken us out to eat, had us in their homes for meals, helped us paint nine rooms in our house, laughed with us, cried with us, and genuinely been our friends. We are so grateful for the many people who have extended the love of God to us.

I look forward to posting more about what God does in the coming days. A couple ways you can be praying for us in the meantime:
1. Praise God with us for all the above blessings. And pray for His blessings as we continue to develop these relationships and build new ones.
2. Pray for the people God would have come to our house. One brigade will be deploying in a couple of months so pray for our ministry to the families that stay behind.
3. Pray for Aimee and I to “start-well.” Seasoned Hospitality House directors have advised us that we are beginning a marathon and not a sprint and that we would be wise to pace ourselves at the start. Pray that we would indeed do this as our personalities like to jump feet-first into things.
4. Our 40 foot container with our furniture arrives tomorrow (Tuesday). Pray that we will have enough people to unload it as it will come during the workday. And pray for us in the coming weeks as we unpack boxes. We feel like we just finished packing them!

Thanks for all your prayers, love, and support. Check back in a few days as we should have internet service in our house by the 19th and shortly thereafter we hope to have some pictures up on our here.

P.S. As I just looked back over this I realized I had barely mentioned our boys! Jacob and Owen are doing great. They are both in German Kindergarten (similar to our pre-school). Jacob is in the oldest class and Owen is in the youngest class. They both love it and are doing well. I asked them as I dropped them off one day last week to each learn a new German word for me. Jacob is picking up a lot of words and when I asked Owen if he learned any he said, “bitte and danke.” “Please and thank you.” They both keep us laughing a lot and have really enjoyed “camping-in” (Jacob’s description) at our new house. They are making new friends and Jacob even started practicing with a local soccer team last week!

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