Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Train Yourself for Godliness

Train Yourself for Godliness. That was the theme for our men's retreat this past weekend as we studied 1 Timothy 4:7-8. We had a wonderful time in so many different ways. I had asked before we left that you pray for the following things:

That God will be at work in the lives of each man that attends.
That God will be glorified as we worship Him together.
That men will develop lasting relationships with each other.
That God would be leading and guiding the speakers and the listeners.
That God would protect and bless the wives and families who will be at home without their men!

I wish I could write down specifically how each one of these prayers were answered but I can't. However, I do know that God was at work in some incredible ways and that many men shared some positive things they learned and seek to apply. I know that all of these prayers were answered in one way or another. One man emailed me the following after he returned home: "Thanks for inviting me to the retreat. I only hope everyone got as much out of it as I did. I feel energized and recharged today, even if I did have to go to my dreary dungeon of a work place."

We had five different sessions during which we all (30 men) gathered for worship and a lesson. We then split into three smaller groups based on the community each man was from. During these small group times we further discussed the lesson and its implications on our personal lives. These were very rewarding and encouraging times.

All in all I am so grateful for your prayers. This is the first men's retreat that I have had any part of leading and I am very encouraged to do another one soon! God's blessed us abundantly and we were grateful and honored to praise Him and make His name and ways known.

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